Fall 2024
- September 17: Thomas Koberda (University of Virginia), Locally dense groups of homeomorphisms and finiteness properties
- September 24: Anh Hoang (Northeastern), Configuration spaces and applications to arithmetic statistics
- October 29: Theo Douvropoulos (Brandeis), Shi-like and Catalan-like deformations for restricted reflection arrangements
- November 5: Iris Yoon (Wesleyan), Dowker duality, profunctors, and spectral sequences
- November 12: Jean-Paul Brasselet (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseilles), The Schwartz-MacPherson classes in the framework of Lipschitz stratifications
- November 19: Henry Adams (University of Florida), Persistent equivariant cohomology
- December 3: Dezhou Li (Northeastern), The Cartan–Leray spectral sequence for the braid group
Spring 2024
- January 16: Aaron Landesman (Harvard), Homological stability for generalized Hurwitz spaces with an application to number theory
- January 23: Thomas Brazelton (Harvard), Equivariant enumerative geometry
- February 6: Eva Belmont (Case Western), Equivariant homological stability for unordered configuration spaces
- February 27: Vijay Higgins (Michigan State), Central elements in the SL(d) skein algebra
- March 19: Nikola Milićević (Penn State), Homotopy and singular homology groups of finite (di)graphs
- March 26: Fabian Ruehle (Northeastern), Machine learning for problems in knot theory
- April 2 (virtual): Tegan Emerson (PNNL), Topological frameworks in materials science
- April 9 (virtual): Andrés Ángel (Universidad de los Andes), Non-representable classes and stratifolds
- April 16: Agnès Beaudry (CU Boulder), Homotopy theory of parametrized quantum systems
Fall 2023
- September 26: Xujia Chen (Harvard), Kontsevich’s invariants as topological invariants of configuration space bundles
- October 3: Ling Zhou (ICERM/Brown), Persistent cup product structures and related invariants
- October 10: Rita Jiménez Rolland (UNAM), On commensurators of abelian subgroups of mapping class groups
- October 17: Nir Gadish (Michigan), Letter-braiding invariants of words in groups
- October 24: John Oprea (Cleveland State), The rationality conjecture for topological complexity
- October 31: Oleg Lazarev (UMass Boston), Weinstein domains: a symplectic geometer’s handlebodies
- November 7 (virtual): Andreas Stavrou (Chicago), Configuration spaces of surfaces and the Johnson filtration
- November 28 (virtual, 12 pm): Magnus Botnan (VU Amsterdam), From (relative) homological algebra to machine learning
- December 5: Antonio Rieser (CIMAT), Sheaves on data through closure spaces
Spring 2023
- January 10: Mona Merling (Penn), Equivariant A-theory and spaces of equivariant h-cobordisms
- January 24 (noon, virtual): Bastian Rieck (Helmholtz Munich), Topology-based graph learning
- February 7: Sam Nariman (Purdue), Bounded and unbounded cohomology of diffeomorphism groups
- February 28 (noon, virtual): Juliet Cooke (Nottingham), Skein categories as factorisation homology
- March 21: Michael Ching (Amherst), Tangent infinity-categories and Goodwillie calculus
- March 28: Shmuel Weinberger (Chicago), Simplicial complexity of lens spaces and related stories
- April 4 (virtual): Adela Zhang (MIT), Mod p homology of configuration spaces via spectral Lie algebras
- April 11 (virtual): Bei Wang (Utah), Topology of word embeddings
Fall 2022
- September 13 (Ell Hall 411): Yajit Jain (Brown), Exotic smoothings of manifold bundles (note special location!)
- September 20: Ben Knudsen (Northeastern), Farber’s conjecture
- September 27: Alex Suciu (Northeastern), Cohomology, Bocksteins, and resonance
- October 4: Caitlin Lienkaemper (Boston), Estimating rank despite monotone distortion
- October 18: Manuel Rivera (Purdue), An algebraic model for the free loop space
- November 1: Olakunle Abawonse (Northeastern), Triangulations of Grassmannians and flag manifolds
- November 8 (Ell Hall 411): Facundo Mémoli (Ohio State) (note special location!), The Gromov–Hausdorff distance between spheres
- November 15 (noon, virtual): Ulrike Tillmann (Oxford) (note special time!), Moduli of punctured manifolds and their monodromy
- November 29 (virtual): Dev Sinha (Oregon), Rational measurement of groups
- December 6 (virtual): Angélica Osorno (Reed), (2-)categorical constructions and the multiplicative equivariant Barratt-Quillen-Priddy theorem
Spring 2022
- February 1 (noon): Giovanni Paolini (Amazon and Caltech, virtual) (note special time!), The homotopy type of complexified hyperplane arrangements
- February 8: Jon McCammond (UC Santa Barbara, virtual), Dual braids and the braid arrangement
- February 15: Luis Scoccola (Northeastern, in-person), Stability of homological invariants of multiparameter persistence modules
- February 22: Roberto Pagaria (Bologna, in-person), Asymptotic growth of Betti numbers of configuration spaces of an elliptic curve
- March 1: Thomas Brüstle (Sherbrooke, in-person), Homological approximations in persistence theory
- March 8 (noon): Florian Naef (Trinity, in-person) (note special time!), Trace amounts of torsion found
- March 8: Marcy Robertson (Melbourne, in-person), Automorphisms of seamed surfaces, modular operads and Galois actions
- March 22 (noon): Vladimir Dotsenko (Strasbourg, virtual) (note special time!), Rational homotopy type of the moduli space of stable rational curves
- March 29: Vance Blankers (Northeastern, in-person), Classifying compactifications of the moduli space of curves
- April 5: Radmila Sazdanovic (NC State, virtual), Bilinear pairings on two-dimensional cobordisms and generalizations of the Deligne category
- April 12 (noon): Andrew Blumberg (Columbia, virtual) (note special time!), Probabilistic stability theorems for topological data analysis
- April 19: Joshua Wen (Northeastern, in-person), The quantum Harish-Chandra homomorphism for GL_n
- April 26: Matthew Kahle (Ohio State, virtual), Configuration spaces of particles: homological solid, liquid, and gas
- May 3: Najib Idrissi (Paris Cité, in-person), Formality and non-formality of Swiss-Cheese operads and variants
- May 10: Marissa Masden (Oregon, in-person), Exact combinatorial and topological data for ReLU networks’ linear regions
Fall 2021
- September 7 (11 AM): Xuwen Zhu (Northeastern, hybrid), Compactified configuration spaces and singular geometry (note special time!)
- September 14: Nick Proudfoot (Oregon, fully remote), Equivariant log concavity in the cohomology of configuration spaces
- September 21: Anna Cepek (Oregon, fully remote), The combinatorics of configuration spaces of R^n
- October 5: Jose Perea (Northeastern, hybrid), Persistent Künneth theorems and quasiperiodicity
- October 19: Alexander Strang (Chicago, hybrid), The weak rotation expansion: using the Helmholtz–Hodge decomposition to explain Markov chains near equilibrium
- October 26: Amit Patel (Colorado State, fully remote), Functoriality of generalized persistence diagrams
- November 9: Jeremy Miller (Purdue, fully remote), Rognes’ connectivity conjecture
- November 16: Bena Tshishiku (Brown, hybrid), Surface bundles, monodromy, and arithmetic groups
November 30: Carina Curto (Penn State, fully remote), Graph rules and topological insights for inhibitory network dynamics- December 7: Carina Curto (Penn State, fully remote), Graph rules and topological insights for inhibitory network dynamics
December 14: Andrew Blumberg (Columbia, hybrid),Probabilistic stability theorems for topological data analysis
Spring 2021
- February 9: Eva Elduque (Michigan), Mixed Hodge structures on Alexander modules
- February 16: Florian Frick (Carnegie Mellon), The Borsuk–Ulam theorem for higher dimensional codomains and applications
- February 23: Tarik Aougab (Haverford), Characterizing covers from simple closed curves
- March 9: Claudio Llosa Isenrich (Karlsruhe), Images of Kähler groups in products of surface groups and Kodaira fibrations
- March 23: Renee Hoekzema (Oxford), Cut-and-paste invariants of manifolds via algebraic K-theory
- March 30: Christin Bibby (Louisiana State), Fiber bundles of arrangement complements
- April 6: Jesus Gonzalez (Cinvestav), The cohomology ring of binary tree braid groups
- April 13: Alex Suciu (Northeastern), Finiteness properties, cohomology jump loci, and tropical varieties
April 13: Mohamad Maassarani (Strasbourg)- April 20: Andrea Bianchi (Copenhagen), Mapping class group actions on configuration spaces and the Johnson filtration
Fall 2020
- October 13: Najib Idrissi (IMJ-PRG), Real homotopy of configuration spaces
- October 20: Noémie Combe (MPI MiS), Complement of the discriminant variety, Gauss–skizze operads and hidden symmetries
- October 27: Hannah Alpert (UBC), Representation stability and configurations of disks in a strip
- November 3: Lei Chen (Caltech), Actions of Homeo and Diffeo groups on manifolds
- November 17: Safia Chettih (Southwestern), An infinity operad of normalized cacti
- November 24: David Recio-Mitter (Lehigh), Geodesic complexity of motion planning
- December 1: Dan Petersen (Stockholm), Factorization statistics and bug-eyed configuration spaces
- December 8: Nick Salter (Columbia), r-spin mapping class groups and applications
Spring 2020
- January 28: Matthew Hogancamp (Northeastern), Categorifying skeins in the solid torus
- February 11: Ruth Charney (Brandeis), Outer space for RAAGs
- February 18: Nathaniel Bottman (USC), The Fulton–MacPherson operad and Fukaya categories
- February 25: Kathryn Hess (EPFL), From precalculus to calculus in algebraic topology
- March 10: Alexander Kupers (Harvard), Double Steinberg coinvariants and the homology of general linear groups
March 17: Lei Chen (Caltech)March 24: David Recio-Mitter (Lehigh)March 31: Safia Chettih (Southwestern)April 7: Nick Salter (Columbia)April 14: Jon McCammond (UCSB)
Fall 2019
- September 10: Nir Gadish (MIT), The ‘generating function’ of configuration spaces as a source for explicit formulas and representation stability
- September 17: Florian Naef (Northeastern University), String topology and the configuration space of two points
- September 24: Iva Halacheva (Northeastern University), Tangles, circuit algebras, and the Kashiwara–Vergne problem
- October 5: Kickoff mini-conference
- October 8: Aaron Abrams (Washington and Lee University), Area relations in square triangulations
- October 15: Benjamin Schweinhart (The Ohio State University), Fractal dimension estimation with persistent homology
- October 22: Phil Tosteson (University of Chicago), Homological stability and the Deligne–Mumford compactification
- October 29: Paolo Salvatore (Universita di Roma Tor Vergata), Koszul self-duality of the little discs operad’
- November 5:
- Graham Denham (Western University), The Leray model of a matroid (3:15–4:15pm in 544NI)
- John Wiltshire-Gordon (University of Wisconsin), FI-modules in high degree (4:30–5:30pm in 509LA)
- November 12: Eric Ramos (University of Oregon), Categories of graphs with contractions
- November 19: Felix Wierstra (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics and Université Paris 13), Cochains and rational homotopy type